GC-2010 Pro

Product overview Flexible lineup for various analysis Options enhancing scalability Industry Leading Detector Sensitivity
さらに追加No.3 - GC-2010 Pro

This product is only available in Europe, Southeast Asia and China.

The GC-2010 Pro represents a new generation in Routine GC. Fast oven heating and cooling reduces the analysis time and allow high sample throughput. Based on high-end GC technology, it combines easy operation with efficient analysis and excellence in sensitivity and precision.


Flexible lineup for various analysis

Two analytical lines can be operated simultaneously for different applications

Flexible lineup for various analysis

- Achieving excellent reproducibility
- High-speed analysis
- Rapid oven heating / cooling
- Constant linear velocity mode quickly determines separation conditions
- Gas saver function reduces helium consumption


Achieving excellent reproducibility

Analysis of Grob Test Mixture (Solvent: acetone, each 100 ppm)
Analysis of Grob Test Mixture (Solvent: acetone, each 100 ppm)

All units including the column oven, flow controller and sample injection unit are comprehensively optimized at the design stage to achieve world-class repeatability of peak area and peak height. The large vaporization capacity ensures excellent repeatability, even when using solvents that are highly volatile upon injection, such as acetone. Long-term stability of retention time is realized by the new room compensation technology built into the advanced flow controller (AFC).

Peak area reproducibility

Peak area reproducibility

High-speed analysis

High-speed analysis with narrow bore capillary columns reduces analysis time and improves sample throughput. GC-2010 Pro has excellent flow and pressure control system, which can meet the requirements of rapid analysis with conventional configuration and effectively improve the analysis efficiency.

High-speed analysis of coffee flavoring

High-speed analysis of coffee flavoring

Rapid oven heating / cooling

Rapid oven heating / cooling

GC-2010 Pro incorporates a double-jet cooling system, which enables the reduction of cooling time from 450℃ to 50℃ in 3.4min, realizing more efficient and rapid cooling. In addition, with the ability of rapid heating, GC-2010 Pro can significantly reduce the analysis time.


Constant linear velocity mode quickly determines separation conditions

The constant linear velocity mode related to the separation performance is recommended for the carrier gas control and can obtain the optimum separation conditions in the shortest time compared with the previous control method by setting the column inlet pressure and flow.

Constant linear velocity mode quickly determines separation conditions

Gas saver function reduces helium consumption

Reducing running cost by gas saving is an important issue in GC operation. GC-2010 Pro reduces gas consumption by decreasing of split ratio after injection as well as automatic shutdown functions after finishing all analysis.

Gas saver function reduces helium consumption

Flexible lineup for various analysis

Options enhancing scalability

Top of GC-2010 Pro
Top of GC-2010 Pro

- High-performance injection unit series
- Small and high-sensitivity detector series
- Automatic injection system
- Advanced Flow technology


High-performance injection unit series

In order to obtain good data, it is necessary to select an appropriate injection method according to the analysis purpose and sample. GC-2010 Pro can select the most suitable injection method from three injection units.


- Injection unit used for split/splitless injection of capillary column.
- Standard configuration, namely, AFC with high performance, supports high-speed GC with narrow bore capillary columns.
- Gas saver function reduces split gas consumption.
- Permits high-pressure injection mode.
- The purge flow can be set and changed to achieve more efficient sample purge and prevent cross contamination.


- Used for full injection of wide bore capillary columns above 0.45mm.
- Septum purge flow channel prevents solvent tailing.
- Uses the same glass inserts as splitless analysis to simplify use. (Patented)

- Temperature programmable Injector
The sample is injected at a low temperature and gasified by programmed heating of the injection port. This was recovery of thermolabile components can be improved. OCI is suitable for samples with a wide boiling point range.
- Configured for either cool, on-column injector (OCI) or programmed temperature vaporization (PTV) injection mode.
- Uses inert quartz PTV inserts.
- An optional OCI insert allows connecting a narrow-bore capillary column directly to the injector without a 0.53mm pre-column. (No need to compress the connecting device)

Small and high-sensitivity detector series

The full range of high-sensitivity detectors supports a wide variety of application analyses. Each detector is equipped with an advanced pressure controller (APC) that digitally sets the gas parameters of each detector. To ensure secure use of hydrogen the connector joints have reverse threads to prevent incorrect pipe connections (FID, FPD, FTD).

Flame ionization detector
- High-sensitivity has been achieved by thorough cleaning of detector gas lines and the latest noise-reduction technology.
- Automatic ignition, re-ignition and flame extinguishing functions
- Feedback function reduces gas supply pressure to zero when the hydrogen flame is extinguished.
- Hydrogen connector joints have reverse threads to prevent incorrect pipe connections.
Analysis of aqueous solution of medicine residual solvent USP467 Class1 ProcedureA
Electron capture detector
- For analysis of electrophilic compounds and also for high sensitivity detection of organohalogen compounds, metallo-organic compounds and compounds with C=O double bond.
- By thoroughly simulating the gas flow path inside the ECD detection cell, a gas flow path and the detection structure (Contact Free technology) are developed to minimize the contact between the samples flowing from the chromatographic column and the collector and the nickel wire source, thus significantly improving the durability of ECD detection cell.
Contact-free Technology
Thermal conductivity detector
- Microvolume cell for sharper peaks.
- Analysis is not easily affected by the temperature changes within column oven
Flame thermionic detector
- For analysis of organo nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, such as residual pesticides.
- No tools needed for collector replacement.
- Alkali source regeneration kit (option) reduces operational costs.
- Hydrogen connector fittings have reverse threads to prevent pipe connections.
Flame photometric detector
- For analysis of pesticide residues, odor components, phosphorous compounds, sulfur compounds and organo-tin compounds.
- The dual-focus system achieves high sensitivity.
- No tools required for replacement of interference filters with high daily maintenance frequency.

Automatic injection system

AOC-20 series, Automatic injection system
- Easy to install and remove.
- AOC-20s can support analysis of up to 150 samples (1.5mL sample bottles).
- A dual injection system can be configured with a combination off two AOC-20i injectors. Two-line simultaneous injection doubles the sample throughput to improve productivity.


Advanced Flow technology

Options enhancing scalability
Industry Leading Detector Sensitivity


Responding to the ever increasing demands for trace level analysis, all detectors of GC-2010 Pro realize high sensitivity in miniaturization design. The new flame photometric detector (FPD) and flame ionization detector (FID) show significantly increased sensitivity.

- Flame ionization detector FID
- Flame photometric detector FPD


Flame ionization detector FID

High-sensitivity has been achieved by thorough cleaning of detector gas lines and the latest noise-reduction technology.

Analysis of n-C12, 14, 16 / n-heptane solution

Analysis of n-C12, 14, 16 / n-heptane solution

Flame photometric detector FPD

It achieves compact design and improves the flame stability by improving the nozzle form. In addition, the "dual-focus system" achieves excellent ultra high sensitivity. The dual-focus system adds a lens to the interference filter for efficient light collection at the photomultiplier light receptor.

Dual-focus system

Industry Leading Detector Sensitivity