HOME APPLICATIONS Hydrogen Energy Analysis Solutions for Quality Control of Hydrogen

Hydrogen Energy Analysis Solutions for Quality Control of Hydrogen


The Coming Hydrogen Energy Society

Fuel cells for domestic use and fuel cell vehicles (FCV) are gradually becoming more common. Fuel cells produce electricity from hydrogen, and are an indispensable item for realizing a hydrogen energy society.

Hydrogen is now used in some familiar objects. Hydrogen can be produced by various industrial processes, and its conversion with electrical power is easy. Therefore, its use as a fuel for thermal electrical power generation and for storage of natural energy such as solar and wind is being evaluated.

Continuous technological advances mean that realization of a hydrogen energy society, one that powers vehicles and electricity using fuel cells, with low environmental impact is approaching.

Hydrogen Fuel for FCVs

Strict purity standards have been defined for hydrogen used in fuel cells (ISO 14687-2). This is because if hydrogen contains carbon monoxide, sulfur components, etc., the catalyst of the fuel cell will be damaged. The hydrogen fuel standard for FCVs (ISO 14687-2) defines many items to be controlled, and Shimadzu analytical instruments can play a role in analyzing these items.

Table 1: ISO 14687-2 Analysis Systems

Examples of Implementation of Hydrogen Quality Control Analysis

In order to satisfy all the hydrogen quality control items defined by ISO14687-2, it is necessary to conduct analysis using several different systems. The Shimadzu integrated workstation, LabSolutions LC/GC, supports multiple analysis systems, enabling different instrument data to be analyzed with one workstation.